Ph.D. Student Computer Science Department NYU Tandon
Hi! I'm a first-year Ph.D student in the Computer Science Department at NYU Tandon. I am co-advised by Prof. Rachel Greenstadt and Prof. Brendan Dolan-Gavitt.
My research interests span across the systems security and privacy. I am interested in vulnerability discovery using techniques like fuzzing, static code analysis and automated testing. I have the experience of working with large codebases like Linux kernel and Chrome browser.
Previously, I completed my undergraduate studies from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India in 2021, majoring in the Computer Science and Engineering. I have undertaken various courses in Management and Policy Studies as well. I have spent the summer of 2020 at the University of California, Santa Barbara where I worked with Prof. Vigna and Prof. Kruegel in the SecLab. I was working on the project KANF which is a kernel assisted network fuzzer.
I have had the support of various seniors and mentors who have guided me throughout my undergraduate life to pursue a research career. To continue the legacy, I have decided to devote 1 hour each week in order to help the ambitious undergraduate students who could benefit from my experience. Please read this before sending me an email :)
Email: firstname.r [at] | firstname+lastname [at]
Links: [Full CV] [Google Scholar] [Twitter] [Github] [LinkedIN]